
Reset and Compensation

This topic is probably the hottest topic right now in the PWPh forums. The sad thing about this topic being hot is that either the forumers and CMs are being held back due to forum rules or that some forumers just dont have a clue to whats really happening, giving us with a very very passionate topic with lots of key ingredients missing.

First of all, it was never about the storyline. Forumers have repeatedly mentioned the reasons why its not and basically its these two.

1. The Moon Valley triggered the wipe out, but moon valley has come and pooof, the wipeout is delayed. I bet if the techies of LU wanted to, they can restore the map to pre-phoenix council wars right now.
2. Since the CMs have been hinting long long ago of the wipeout, it would have been useless to implement the peace patch.

Ok. So why implement the peace patch? Everybody knows the answer. Its because there are lots of small clans, and Perfect World wants to give them a chance. Everybody knows this. Everybody..regardless if they want compensation or not. We all agree that the reset is geared towards igniting the flame of excitement and bringing back hype to this good game.

So, should the dominant clans be compensated? I would be heartless to say they shouldnt be. They deserve to be compensated. If they made PW TW their life, then their efforts must be rewarded. I get the point of everyone in the forums who vote yes to the compensation.

However, if compensation is to be given, it would miss the very reason for the reset. Remember, you reset the map to encourage the small clans to play perfect world again. We want the community to be lively again. Bring back old faces who have grown bored because the big clans are preventing them from gaining a piece of the map.

Perfect World is only as good as the number of players playing the game. Without players, the game will be forced to shut down. Lets face it. Although its just a game, its business. And businesses will only survive so long as there are adequate number of customers.

What am I getting at? Sylv from the forums said "adapt or die". He actually bullseyed that one. No, Im not talking about "Kung ayaw mo, mag quit ka" Im talking about "If you love PW and want to make sure it survives for a few more years so that you can play it, then accept the reset unconditionally". Before the reset, the small clans would have bailed out of PW immediately upon hearing of the news of Perfect World 3 coming up. Right now, I'd say they're thinking twice before coming up with a decision. If they know that Clan G or E or H members are getting 50m yuan each as compensation, what do you think would happen? They'll leave. They'll go to Perfect World 3, leaving the perfect world servers drained. All that will be left behind are the clans that got their compensation, and inevitably, LU will shut down PW.

So, adapt of die. Your choice.


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