
Rohan Website and Community Boards are Now Up

I was right!!! That teaser message talking about something dark coming this November 25 is the Rohan Website.

Also, the RohanPh boards are now up and I can see some activity there. 2 famous guilds are already there, Holy Order and SGX. No need for introductions when it comes to Holy Order. SGX, meanwhile, for some of you who do not know, is a group of professional gamers from Rohan International. So expect the most exciting rivalry between these two. But who knows, maybe Heaven will rule Rohan?

Rohan Ph Community Boards

(Anyways, I know excitement is expected with this but come on, Level Up! Late Again! Is this going to be a common thing with you? I really hope not. The teaser message was originally saying the date was November 24, then it was changed to November 25, but guess what, it arrived November 26. New Year's coming. This will be a very good new year's resolution for you. Be on time!)


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