
Site Fixed!!! Fix to the image not showing in IE.

The problem with loving Firefox as your browser is that when you decide to build a website, you have the tendency to ignore its compatibility with other browsers. I learned that lesson last night. I didnt know the header image wasnt showing in IE. I had to look at the problem the whole night and I just found it this morning.

In case you experience the same problem, I'm sharing the solution.

The problem was that the header image was fine in firefox, but it wasnt showing in internet explorer. Looking through the code, the problem was this part


Notice the part between the URL of the background and the no-repeat portion. There is no space. One hit of the space bar and voila. Problem fixed

url...jqU8I/AAAAAAAAB5Q/u2sEMx_lvUg/s1600/pwhead.jpg) no-repeat;

Till then, have fun reading!!!


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