
Sigh and Yipee!!! Still no Jungle Relic

Confirmed. Jungle Relic is still disabled with this patch. If I remember right, it was the loss of the jungle relic event that really sparked many players to abandon their characters and try other games, Cabal being the obvious choice that time.

The day Moon Valley was patched, a forumer asked whether Jungle Relic is back. I dont like it when the Community Managers ignore these kinds of questions just because the answer is disappointing. It just adds another reason to leave the game. Perhaps no one is really paying attention to this, but this can surely be used by upcoming games from other companies.

Whether we like it or not, people (especially gamers) are becoming more and more active in internet fora and pretty soon, the success of online games will be defined by it. After all, online games are designed to be a form of interactivity between people via a virtual world. Without interaction, a game is just a piece of junk.

Alright, thats that. Im hoping the CMs start changing. Right now, im more interested with the effects of the "No Jungle Relic just yet." Thanks to the 300 gold rat, intepid badges arent that rare anymore. Rank 6 weapons will pretty soon be paraded at UC and DC. But while Intrepid Badges are that accessible now, Badge of skills arent. Without the Jungle Relic, there would still be a shortage of EOJs and of course, badge of skills. Thats why you see vendors selling them at 5 million a piece.

Anyway, Im predicting around a thousand players to attain rank 6 before the rat is taken off the item mall. If this prediction turns out to be true, then those who are holding on to their Badge of Skills better hold on to them for just a little bit longer. The price of those badges could skyrocket to as high as a hundred million yuan a piece.

And i got a number of them..yipee!!


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