Zhu Xian Online starts ramping up Hype
I really wanted to post scans of the mag here but I may be violating copyright issues.
A week ago, Zhu Xian Online began to promote its hype at SM Pampanga. Based from a few friends there (who play Perfect World), they are very much surprised and excited to find out that another game identical to Perfect World is coming out. Yeh, I know. Thats what I felt when I first heard the news too. and Im still feeling it now.
Meanwhile, why not grab a copy of the latest issue of GAMES! Magazine. (Hey, isnt one popular figure from PW a contributor to the mag?). In it, you can drool on what the game has to offer. And for a devilish chuckle, you can flip the magazine to the back cover, and voila, you see Perfect World. Nice huh??? bwahahaha.
Errr, Dont I need to charge advertisement fee for this???