
Burning Phoenix Event : My thoughts

As the deadline for the event looms near (thats 11:59pm tonight), I want to tell you my thoughts on this event.

Obviously, the event was to re-ignite the fire of excitement for Frost City. I guess the developers didnt give as much towards this patch. There just arent much eye candy inside frost city to attract players' attentions, and to top it off, it takes time to craft one basic equipment.

The loss of hype for frost city is just to obvious that no one noticed or even knew there was an easy way around the event without having to go against the rules and mechanics. I even cleared it with CM SamHok, and still, no one bothered to notice.

Back when Frost City was new, I was one of the first (in fact, I think I was the first) to complete the jade quest. And that quest wasnt a walk in the park. It took lots and lots of time inside solo mode just to complete all the 7 jades. And with this event, my efforts paid off. I knew exactly where the burning phoenix was in solo mode. (Look the mechanics again. There was no saying you had to complete it in campaign mode).

So, I created a party of 5 (Would have been 6. But the less there are in the party, the less chances the secret would come out). We maneuvered through the halls of the instanced dungeon and in no time were we facing the Burning Phoenix, or so we thought. It turns out the name of this burning phoenix is Nine Black Winds. I tried to recall if this was its name when I used to explore frost city months ago. I think it was burning phoenix back then, but I could not be sure.

Thanks to akyll who took all the effort of finishing the campaign quest. It turns out, even the burning phoenix of campaign mode got its name changed to nine black winds.

Yeah, well, as the event comes to its closing period, I guess you could actually count with your fingers, the number of people that got excited with frost city again. Sigh. Hate to say this, but what a waste. I did have fun though.

All thats left now is to confirm that my entry is valid, but I see no reason for it not to.


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