
9 o clock teaser from CM Mei Yan

Im kinda dizzy right now. Thanks to that Dipenhydramine I took for my colds. But CM Mei Yan managed to keep me excited with a post in the Zhu Xian blogs. Its some kind of riddle. They're actually metaphors, not riddles, but oh well, as long as there are meanings behind them.

Have a go at it

“A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows public opinion” - Chinese Proverbs

November 12 is considered as Veterans Day to some countries; it’s the 316th day of the year (317th day in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar.

Philippines is a free country, thus everything is open to all.

Zhou Yixian, the wise man in Heyang, agrees with me as well.

So what’s special? Everyone is.

We are all created equal."


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