
Insecurity maybe an issue in Zhu Xian

I've been hanging out at the Zhu Xian Forums for a while now, eager to wait for the coming of Zhu Xian online, as well as to keep updated with anything regarding the game.

One thing I see is that their forums need polishing very badly. I dont see a report abuse button, just one thread where forumers more often than not report a thread rather than a user.

Nonetheless, this can all be taken care of come zhu xian time. Hopefully, they get good community managers.

But insecurity, that's one big problem. Why insecurity? Who's insecure? Not many actually, but since Zhu Xian online is an evolved version of Perfect World, then Perfect World players have the advantage here. That's alright to casual gamers, and I know E-games has lots of them. But for the wannabee hardcore e-gamers, they have in their minds that Perfect World players are going to trample on them in this game.

I wish I could say otherwise, but do I expect this to happen. If you are not under the banner of a Perfect World player, you wont be doing pretty well.

Sigh, if only Perfect World considered my suggestion of making a new server....


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