
Featured Member : bucky

In Game Name : bucky
Real Name : Bucky Tenorio
Birthday : October 3, 1984
Location : Greenville Subdivision, Tandang Sora, Quezon City
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When did you start to play PW?
Naglaro ako ng CBT dati pero 3 days lang. Then I first played at Dragon Server as a Yu Mang. Then my RL friends made me quit there and instead make a character here in Tiger. Kaya ayun eto na ako.

What Clans have you joined before joining Heaven?

Sa Dragon HolyOrder and Phoenix. Dito naman sa Tiger DarkOrder.

How long have you been a member of Heaven?
Bago lang ako eh, 4 months yata.

Who are your closest friends in Heaven?
Syempre mga former DarkOrder clanmates ko, blazekien, utol kong si highwind, rebel, 'vylet'

What is it about Heaven that make players want to join the clan?
Its because of guys like me, oh yeah! Plus, masarap kachat mga tao d2.

Where do you see Heaven a year from now?

Recruiting lvl 130+ (rank 8 required), 11 territories, 1 main city and the Arena-Dominating Clan. not bad na din noh? XD

Messages/Advise for Heaven and players of Perfect World
Let's kick some bloody arse! XD


  1. The Keeper says:

    akalain mo, oct 4 ako, libra tayo pareho nyahahha.

  1. Anonymous says:

    yow bucky IRL name mo pala talaga yan kala ko nick xD --Rinko

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