Perfect World vs Zhu Xian Part 2
The day has arrived. Zhu Xian has officially opened its some.
Back when Zhu Xian was rumored to be coming to the Philippines, expectations were high for the game. This is a 2nd chance to many players of Perfect World, a chance to re-live Perfect World but under new management.
Unfortunately, from that time to this day, many disappointments arose. The character customization and the channel system are just the tip of the iceberg, so to say.
Right now, my thoughts say that the arrival of Zhu Xian is good for Perfect World. It polishes the management and how they handle the game. That item mall sale is just too irresistible. The presence of CMs in the PW Boards is being felt now.
Not only does it refine the management, it also refines the population of the game. Believe it or not, the population of Zhu Xian Online will very much differ with the population of Perfect World. and I can tell you this. One game wants their CMs to speak English intelligently, the other game want their CMs to speak English (crooked or not, but most of the time crooked).
Alright, enough of that. Lets go to status reports.
Zhu Xian gave out advanced passes to a few people. Good of Bad? Bad. If Zhu Xian's features and gameplay have similarities to Perfect World, there are a number of features available inside the game that PEOPLE WITH NO ADVANCED PASSES will not be given chance to discover for themselves. Like the Ingot Trading Feature?
Zhu Xian experienced Errors when they opened the servers. Good or Bad? Bad. But this was expected.
Perfect World just had their first Territorial War Week. Good or Bad? Good. How can you leave Perfect World now that you have a piece of the map? Especially if you dont have an advanced pass. (Hey, conspiracy theory insertion here. Perfect World decided to delay the 1st territorial wars week to coincide with ZX's First Week. Good Job for the marketing. Bad for the ethical department).
Perfect World will feature new items in the item mall come November 24. That's a big knockout to Zhu Xian from Perfect World if you ask me.